When Should You Use a Buyer’s Agent?

April 29, 2021

Buyer’s agents advocate on the behalf of a buyer in the property purchasing process. They help their clients find, inspect and close on a home. Plus, they focus on getting buyers the best deals possible along with any insider knowledge that could help.
But, should everyone use a buyer’s agent even if they’ve bought a home before? In our opinion, absolutely. We strongly believe that everyone should work with a buyer’s agent any time they go to purchase a property.

To explain things a little deeper, here, we’re talking about when you should use a buyer’s agent, to which the answer is... always.

First Time Home Buyers

If it’s your first time buying a property, you’ll definitely want to use a buyer’s agent to help you. They have the knowledge, experience and expertise to help you make your way through your first home-buying experience. And trust us, you’ll be thankful to have someone on your side who knows what they’re doing.


They’ll be able to guide you through:

  • Strategies to buy with a low deposit
  • Strategies to help you make the most of available government grants and concessions
  • How to set up the right financial structures
  • Sorting through all the legal mambo jumbo (easements, contract clauses, the building process)
  • Avoiding surprises later on

There’s a lot that goes into purchasing a property and it’s a decision you want to make sure you get right. It’s likely one of the biggest purchases you’ll ever make, so working with a buyer’s agent is more or less a no brainer for first time home buyers.

Buyer’s agents can give you peace of mind, offer quality advice and can help you get into your first home sooner and often for far less than you’d get on your own.

Experienced Investors

While first time home buyers can obviously benefit from the expertise of a buyer’s agent, experienced property investors should also work with buyer’s agents, even if they’re not as green to the real estate market.

It’s easy to become overconfident after a successful investment. So, it’s always best to leave it to the experts who aren’t as emotionally involved in the outcome, no matter how many times you’ve purchased property.

Buyer’s agents can also challenge your perspective and find better strategies to help boost your portfolio and build your wealth in ways you may have overlooked. The point is, even if you’ve invested in property before, you’re still likely not an expert. Plus, the real estate market is always changing and if you’re not in it, it’s tough to stay on top of relevant information.

In short, buyer’s agents can certainly help experienced investors as much as any first home buyer.

Busy People

Another group of people who can certainly benefit from a buyer’s agent are busy people. At the end of the day, not all of us have the time or energy to invest in all the searching, inspecting and negotiating that goes along with finding and purchasing a property.

Buyer’s agents save loads of time because they do most of the work for you. So, if you’ve got a hectic schedule between work, kids and other responsibilities, buyer’s agents take a load off and help even the busiest among us.

Anyone Who Lacks Negotiation Experience

If you’re like most people, you don’t often participate in high stakes negotiations. They’re not for everyone and yet, the art of negotiation is key to buying property. Expert negotiators help you get the best price and insider deals. And when it comes to purchasing real estate, buyer’s agents can negotiate on your behalf.

For this reason alone, buyer’s agents often pay for themselves, often saving or even making money for their clients with their negotiation skills.

Long story short, if you’re not keen on getting into any stressful negotiation situations, leave it to a buyer’s agent and let the expert negotiate for you.

Final Thoughts

Long story short, anyone looking to buy property should work with a buyer’s agent. It’s always worth it, so long as you use the right one.

Purchasing property is always an emotional experience. It’s a huge investment and you’ll be handling a lot of stress. Everyone needs a buyer’s agent because, essentially, it just hits too close to home (pardon the pun).

At Wealth 360°, our mission is to help our clients build wealth for the right reasons. We’re all about helping you support your family and improve your wider community through property investment.

So, whether you’re a first time home buyer, an experienced property investor, you’re incredibly busy or you don’t have any negotiation skills, contact us to set up a consultation. We’d love to help!

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